March 13th, 2024
Added in flat fee items.
Lots of fixes. Some related to export file issues, some for teams.
Full list:
Fix on adding a flat fee from employee account , project name is shown < deleted project>
Fix for: Tier 1 Edit flat fee >> field ‘ line item name’ is not autofilled with previous value
Tier 1 tutorial: Move tier 1 'we've highlited things for you to check out' bubble
Fix: Toggle button for ‘ show times as decimal’ and ‘Apply to manual entries’ works on second click
Fix: For existing users unable to enable / disable features under ‘Adjust feature’ section
Fix: Timesheet custom period, start and end should be inclusive
Fix: On detailed breakdown screen - mileage is not updating if I change any record odometer
Fix: Trial_paywall_company_skip and Trial_paywall_company_purchase events not firing on 3.2.1137
Fix: User can get to 'add entry' screen while in read only mode
Fix: Email sign up - keyboard confirm button to go to next field
Fix: 'Industry' field dropdown is not scrollable when device keypad is opened
New feature: Tier 0 and employee, flat fee item tutorial blue dot