October 14th, 2024
Series of bug fixes and a few small improvements.
Full list:
Fixed item save button issue on Android - sometimes the entry save button would just float on top of everything after adding attachments
Fixed application crashed on changing date format to device language settings
Improvement: Reduced app size by getting rid of some unused libraries and content
Fixed after deleting user sign in/up screen shows multiple redirection
Fixed: employees weren’t able to see other company member names
Fixed time format issue with European users who had their 24 hour clock randomly changed to AM/PM
Fixed IOS widget issues related to break button sometimes not showing up or the UI being cut off
Fixed: Edit entry - Initial tracked time sometimes shows incorrect values
Fixed: Sometimes punch in location shows - Failed to track
Fixed: The IOS app sometimes stuck on Time Square splash screen
Fixed: After deleting user empty strings are shown at edit entries for other company members
Improvement: Trying to add an entry with start time after end time should be a blocking error
Fixed: incorrect "Start Date" on XLSX file under some circumstances
Improvement: Add more rounding options so you can now select to round up or down.
Improvement: Add export settings to show and hide entry count and days worked
Improvement: Export - add in location punch in and punch out